Setup del sistema
nano /etc/apt/sources.list
deb sarge univie
deb stable all
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade
apt-get install gcc-4.1-locales libdbd-odbc-perl libdbd-pg-perl defoma-doc \
psfontmgr x-ttcidfont-conf dfontmgr make manpages-dev flex bison gdb \
libc6dev-amd64 lib64gcc1 lib64ssp0 glibc-doc libfreetype6-dev libgd-tools \
libgtk2-perl-doc librsvg2-common ttf-kochi-gothic ttf-kochi-mincho \
ttf-thryomanes ttf-baekmuk ttf-arphic-gbsn00lp ttf-arphic-bsmi00lp ttf-arphic \
gkai00mp ttf-arphic-bkai00mp libtool-doc g77-3.4 gcj ca-certificates \
sgml-base-doc automake debhelper libft-perl libmudflap0-dev libatk1.0-data \
libglib2.0-data hicolor-icon-theme libgtk2.0-bin libltdl3-dev gzip tar zip unzip \
make lynx wget ncftp ftp bzip2 fastjar
Installazione di Apache2 con supporto Perl e PHP5
apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-perl2 libmailtools-perl \
libhtml-format-perl libcompress-zlib-perl libxml-libxml-perl \
libunicode-string-perl libterm-readkey-perl libmime-lite-perl \
libdbd-mysql-perl libxml-parser-perl xml-core dbishell tinyca php5 php5-dev \
php-pear php5-mysql php5-gd libmail-sendmail-perl libio-socket-ssl-perl \
libhtml-template-perl php5-mcrypt
Installazione degli Add-ons (immagini, pdf, formule, ecc)
apt-get install gs xpdf antiword elinks defoma-doc psfontmgr x-ttcidfont-conf \
dfontmgr smbclient gs-gpl hpijs libfreetype6-dev pdftk gs-gpl smbfs \
libpaper-utils gsfonts-x11 tetex-bin psutils imagemagick libxml-gdome-perl wv \
tetex-extra tetex-latex
Installazione delle librerie perl per il corretto funzionamento di Eprints
apt-get install libxml-sax-writer-perl libxml-libxml-common-perl \
libxml-simpleobject-enhanced-perl libxml-simpleobject-libxml-perl \
libxml-simpleobject-perl libxml-smart-perl libxml-sax-perl \
libxml-namespacesupport-perl libparse-yapp-perl libio-pty-perl \
libxml-libxml-common-perl libxml-regexp-perl libxml-dom-perl libgdome2-dev \
libxml2-dev libglib2.0-doc libgnome-dev libmcrypt-dev mcrypt
Installazione di MySQL e PhpMyAdmin
apt-get install mysql-server phpmyadmin
mysqladmin -u root password root
Creazione dell’utente di sistema
adduser --system --home /opt/eprints3 --group eprints
adduser www-data eprints
nano /etc/passwd
eprints:x:105:105::/opt/eprints3:/bin/false -->
Installazione di EPrints
cd /tmp
tar zxvf eprints-
cd eprints-
Setup di Apache2
nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/eprints
Include /opt/eprints3/cfg/apache.conf
a2ensite eprints
ln -s /opt/eprints3/bin/epindexer /etc/init.d/epindexer
update-rc.d epindexer defaults 99 99
Creazione del repository
su eprints
bin/epadmin create
Archive ID? docs
Configure vital settings? [yes] ?
Hostname? eprints.ced.local
Webserver Port [80] ?
Alias (enter # when done) [#] ?
Administrator Email? [email protected]
Archive Name [Test Repository] ? Eprints
Write these core settings? [yes] ?
Configure database? [yes] ?
Database Name [docs] ?
MySQL Host [localhost] ?
You probably don't need to set socket and port (unless you do!?).
MySQL Port (# for no setting) [#] ?
MySQL Socket (# for no setting) [#] ?
Database User [docs] ? root
Database Password [G7xOp1Jf] ? root
Write these database settings? [yes] ?
EPrints can create the database, and grant the correct permissions.
Create database "docs" [yes] ?
Ok, I'll need to connect to the mysql database as root. What is the root
MySQL Root Password? root
Connecting to the database...
MySQL version id 50032 >= 40100
MYSQL OLD PASSWORDS will be used for compatibility with DBI::mysql
Setting MySQL privs
Disconnecting from database.
Create database tables? [yes] ?
Creating database tables...
Set DB compatibility flag to '3.1.1'.
Done creating database tables.
Create an initial user? [yes] ?
Creating a new user in docs
Enter a username [admin] ?
Select a user type (user|editor|admin) [admin] ?
Enter Password? admin
Email? [email protected]
Successfully created new user:
ID: 1
Do you want to build the static web pages? [yes] ?
Do you want to import the LOC subjects? [yes] ?
Done reindexing
Ending EPrints Session.
Exiting normally.
Do you want to update the apache config files? (you still need to add the
'Include' line) [yes] ?
Creating system wide apache conf files.
Creating /opt/eprints3/cfg/apache.conf
Creating /opt/eprints3/var/auto-apache.conf
Creating /opt/eprints3/var/auto-apache-includes.conf
Creating apache conf files for repository docs
Creating /opt/eprints3/archives/docs/cfg/apache.conf
Creating /opt/eprints3/archives/docs/cfg/apachevhost.conf
Creating /opt/eprints3/archives/docs/var/auto-apache.conf
Aggiunta del supporto lingua Italiano
cd archives/docs/cfg/lang/en/
rm phrases/*
bin/epadmin reload docs
Riavvio di Apache2
/etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload